quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2013

Your 19 month old (dia 20 passado)

This month, you'll notice that your toddler's powers of observation are getting sharper. She'll laugh at something that's obviously wrong - like calling a giraffe a zebra or calling a brother a sister. And she'll notice when a favourite toy is missing an eye or has lost a patch of fur. Her language skills are maturing, too. Although you may understand less than half of what your toddler says, she understands most of the words you use around her. She may also put together pairs of words, like 'Me go' or 'You put'. The best way to encourage her budding speech? Talk to her.
E quando notas que um brinquedo falta, quando alguém sai e fecha a porta à tua frente (ou o ouves) ou quando digo que a girafa é um macaco, além de rires dizes o mais amoroso dos “ohhhh”. Tão bom!

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