quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010

16 weeks pregnant

Your baby's about the size of an avocado now but in the next three weeks, he'll go through a tremendous growth spurt doubling his weight and increasing his length. In the meantime, he'll be playing with his umbilical cord and practising breathing. You're going through a bit of a growth spurt yourself. Your uterus has expanded so much that the ligaments in your abdomen are stretching to make room for it. If you feel any twinges of pain now, that's why.
Your baby is about the size of a pear this week. Some of the more advanced body systems are working now, including his circulation and urinary tract. Your baby may be playing with the umbilical cord too. You've probably gained at least 2.2kg/5lb by now, maybe as much as 4.5 kg/10 lb. Your uterus is growing and you might feel pangs caused by the ligaments stretching in your abdomen. These pains are usually temporary but your growing uterus will put extra strain on your back. 

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