Sagittarius Child: Adventurer at heart
Your Sagittarius son or daughter is a born adventurer. For Sagittarius children, life is all about experience. They want to go out into the world and embrace everything it has to offer.
Your Sagittarius son or daughter is a born adventurer. For Sagittarius children, life is all about experience. They want to go out into the world and embrace everything it has to offer.
If your little one gets into all sorts of trouble before he can even walk, don't be surprised! Sagittarius children like to explore beyond the limits put in place by their parents.
Above all else, your Sagittarius child wants to learn and understand. You can help him with this by making his life as fun, varied and challenging as possible. Family holidays will go down well, as will long adventures in the great outdoors and games of hide-and-seek in the back garden.
Your Sagittarius child is naturally sporty and will need to work off his extra energy by doing things that are playful and physical. Let him join the local football team, or take him on long walks in the country.
His mind needs to be kept active too, so provide your Sagittarius child with lots of books to read and take him to museums, zoos and art galleries as often as possible. He has a universal outlook, so give him plenty of freedom and challenging conversation.
And finally, Sagittarius children tend to be bright, lively, optimistic and outgoing, which means they have a wide circle of friends. So don't expect your child's birthday parties to be small affairs. There are just too many people who love being around him!
Aries Parent: An inspiring act to follow
As an Aries parent, you're a natural leader. You have lots of energy and you're passionate about your interests. Your children mostly find you inspiring, exciting, courageous and a wonderful example to follow. Sometimes they do think you’re a little bit insensitive and overbearing though.
Aries Parent: An inspiring act to follow
As an Aries parent, you're a natural leader. You have lots of energy and you're passionate about your interests. Your children mostly find you inspiring, exciting, courageous and a wonderful example to follow. Sometimes they do think you’re a little bit insensitive and overbearing though.
Your mind is quick and your mouth is even quicker, so at times you say things that you later regret. You have a bit of a temper too, so when your children annoy you they’ll certainly know about it. At least they always know exactly where they stand with you, and once you’ve got something off your chest, all the irritation you felt just disappears.
An active lifestyle suits you and your family best. Take your children on long walks or challenge them to a game of football in the park. Make sure you don't get too competitive though, especially if any of your children are on the sensitive side. Aggressive displays of energy might be a bit too much for them to handle.
In reality, you're their biggest fan and they know it. You'll be on the sidelines cheering for them on sports day and when they win their school’s writing competition.
Your children will always appreciate your honesty, in all its bluntness, and your youthful energy even as you grow older. Do try to make the effort to show them your tender side too though. They need to know that they can rely on your emotional support as well as your strength.
Gemini Parent: The great communicator
As a Gemini parent, you bring a sense of fun and humour to your home. You love to challenge your family mentally, so you can often be found working on crossword puzzles with your children or playing a game of Scrabble after dinner.
Gemini Parent: The great communicator
As a Gemini parent, you bring a sense of fun and humour to your home. You love to challenge your family mentally, so you can often be found working on crossword puzzles with your children or playing a game of Scrabble after dinner.
Conversation and debate are a big part of your family life. You love reading to your children, taking them to the cinema, or watching a television programme together so you can discuss it afterwards. You value a keen mind and will raise your little ones to be as sharp-witted, curious and opinionated as you are.
Communication in general is one of your strengths, but Geminis are not so good at expressing their emotions. You get so caught up in the logic of things that you can neglect those closest to you. Make a special effort to let your children know how you feel. They need to be sure of just how much you love and support them and that they can turn to you for comfort.
Your children will adore your fun-loving, constantly moving mind. Your tastes change often, and your little ones are likely to find this both exciting and inspiring.
Make sure you provide them with some consistency as well though. To feel secure, they need parts of their day they can count on, like regular family dinners and a bedtime routine. There’s definitely a time and a place for your spontaneity and amusement.
Aries Parent & Gemini Parent: A frisky parental pair
Together you two make a dynamic and energetic parenting team, but you may struggle to provide the regularity and stability your family needs, since these aren't qualities that come easily to either of you. Your dedication and devotion isn't in question, and you share a youthfulness that your children will enjoy. But keeping to a regular meal or bedtime routine, for instance, could prove a challenge.
Aries Parent & Gemini Parent: A frisky parental pair
Together you two make a dynamic and energetic parenting team, but you may struggle to provide the regularity and stability your family needs, since these aren't qualities that come easily to either of you. Your dedication and devotion isn't in question, and you share a youthfulness that your children will enjoy. But keeping to a regular meal or bedtime routine, for instance, could prove a challenge.
The Aries parent is more forceful and dynamic - the natural leader of the family. The Gemini mum or dad is playful and communicative, with a curiosity and love of learning your children will naturally want to emulate. You both need a certain amount of freedom, so give each other room for your individual activities. Then you'll both be more available to meet the needs of your children and each other.
Aries Parent & Sagittarius Child: Thrill-seekers
You and your Sagittarius child make a great team. You're both spirited types, always on the go, seeking the next adventure. You understand your little Sagittarius' need for freedom very well, and you gladly let him establish his independence. You're even proud of the way he tests his boundaries. Besides, you've got your own adventures to be getting on with! Your best times together are spent out of the house, travelling, cycling, or pursuing any other activity that combines physical exertion with thrills to keep you both engaged.
Aries Parent & Sagittarius Child: Thrill-seekers
You and your Sagittarius child make a great team. You're both spirited types, always on the go, seeking the next adventure. You understand your little Sagittarius' need for freedom very well, and you gladly let him establish his independence. You're even proud of the way he tests his boundaries. Besides, you've got your own adventures to be getting on with! Your best times together are spent out of the house, travelling, cycling, or pursuing any other activity that combines physical exertion with thrills to keep you both engaged.
Remember, too, that your Sagittarius child needs ample mental stimulation as well as physical. Take him to the library and the museum often to keep his curious mind happy.
Best of all, the fact that you're both easily distracted shouldn't be an issue. Your little Sagittarius won't mind following your lead, as long as you're heading toward the next big experience.
Gemini Parent & Sagittarius Child: Care-free and curious
Your Sagittarius child is curious, fun-loving and always up for an adventure, just like you. He's independent and unconventional too, and as you do, he needs freedom to go where the wind blows. Your mutual love of learning can be a great connection between you. However, your child is more interested in the big picture than you are. He likes to ponder the many larger truths that shape his world and he prefers not to be bogged down with small details, which are, of course, precisely your strength. In this way, you can both grow: Your world view will expand, and his will be fleshed out with facts and figures. You won't have any problem allowing your little Sagittarius to explore life and push against his boundaries in his own way.
Gemini Parent & Sagittarius Child: Care-free and curious
Your Sagittarius child is curious, fun-loving and always up for an adventure, just like you. He's independent and unconventional too, and as you do, he needs freedom to go where the wind blows. Your mutual love of learning can be a great connection between you. However, your child is more interested in the big picture than you are. He likes to ponder the many larger truths that shape his world and he prefers not to be bogged down with small details, which are, of course, precisely your strength. In this way, you can both grow: Your world view will expand, and his will be fleshed out with facts and figures. You won't have any problem allowing your little Sagittarius to explore life and push against his boundaries in his own way.
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