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quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2015
Fazes todos os dias, ou não estivesses tu a meio dos teus 3 anos
maravilhosos :). Pelo menos 1 por dia e no máximo - eu diria… - umas 5. Já provaste que
consegues condensar 3 numa hora… São birras típicas: ou por um motivo menor,
motivo esse que eu ou o pai tentamos que entendas que não é válido ou, sendo,
que não vale uma lágrima nem esforço. Motivo pelo qual, após as nossas
tentativas para que não lhe dês relevância, lutas entre lágrimas e choro
forçado, por vezes berros; ou porque te contrariámos, dissemos que não tinhas
razão numa qualquer pretensão ou te pedimos – sem negociação – que fizesses
algo (como pedir desculpa à mana ou cumprimentar alguém). Birras que demoram em
média uns 10 minutos. Birras que acabam invariavelmente contigo a pedir colo,
de olhos vermelhos e ranho pela cara. Birras às quais tentamos sempre acudir da
mesma forma “quando quiseres falar, acalmas-te, paras de chorar e nós
conversamos sobre isto”. Birras que enfim, terminam. Birras após as quais te
sentas no meu colo e concordas “fiz uma birra”. Birras a que, já no colinho,
desmistificamos e concordamos que não valeram a pena, como poderiam ter isso
evitadas e combinamos que não voltam a repetir-se (tudo calmamente e ao
colinho). Birras que de facto não se repetem… não nos 10 minutos seguintes pelo
menos :). (10102014)
Your preschooler - three year old, eighth month
Managing screen time: Digital media is part of daily life, and your child
is likely to be very adept at using it. So what's the best way to manage his screen time?
One way is to join in with your child as much as possible while he's using a
tablet, phone or computer. Pick games and apps that you can play together, are
right for his age, make him laugh and give him achievable goals. (24122014)
terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2015
Your preschooler - three year old, seventh month
Your little linguist - The charming speech and cute mistakes of the
typical three year old are a wonder to behold. Sometimes their silly sentences
and words are accidental ("It was gigantormous!"). Sometimes your
little linguist will concoct wild words just because they're so much fun to say
("I'm making gorgorolla mud cakes for you!"). This evidence of your
child's growing proficiency with the English language should be music to your
ears! (24112014)
Your three year old, sixth month
Why lie? - Whether it's an elaborate fantasy story about seeing a lion in
the park or a barefaced refusal to accept that they spilt their juice on the
carpet, all preschoolers tell a lie at some point. In some ways, preschoolers
can't help but lie. They don't usually mean to. The "fibbing" is just
one way your preschooler is coping with the world at the moment. (24102014)
Your preschooler - three year old, fifth month
Your child's imagination is beginning to blossom now. Three year olds are
keen observers of the world around them, and creative play is the way they
rehearse and absorb all those new ideas. A three year old's mind becomes
capable of seeing an object as more than one thing: a stick can also be
transformed into a sword, a magic wand or a snake. (24092014)
Your preschooler - three year old, third month
A is for Amy - Often, the first letter a child learns is the first letter
of her name ("Mummy! There's my A!"). When she later recognizes her
entire name, she's not so much reading it as she is identifying that those
symbols mean her name. Symbol recognition, of course, is essential for reading.
But before she can learn the sounds of the letters, she has to make the mental
leap to understanding that those squiggles and lines stand for ideas. (24072014)
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